Avoid these 10 phrases that are sure to ruffle the feathers of any Pokémon enthusiast


Pokémon enthusiasts come in various forms and sizes. There are those who are deeply invested in competitive play, others who are dedicated shiny hunters, and even lore enthusiasts who eagerly immerse themselves in Game Freak’s world with each new game. Moreover, there are anime viewers, collectors of card games, and Pokémon Go players, whose most significant interaction with Pikachu is capturing it during their leisurely strolls. The Pokémon fanbase is incredibly diverse, with each individual holding their unique perspective on what the series truly represents. Thus, when it comes to conversing with a Pokémon fan, it is crucial to avoid certain topics which might not resonate with every subgroup. However, we can discuss some general points.
If you are like most Pokémon fans, you assemble your team of six based on personal vibes. Sure, Beautifly might not possess remarkable statistics, but its appeal and personal connection make it a valuable companion. However, for others, Pokémon are not merely cherished companions but rather strategic assets meticulously analyzed through movesets and abilities. In order to become a champion in the competitive scene, relying solely on cuteness and adorability is simply not enough. The choice of Poké Ball is another aspect that showcases individual preferences. For instance, I have a fondness for the classic red-and-white Poké Ball as it instills a certain uniformity among the members of my party. However, some trainers specifically select Poké Balls for aesthetic reasons. They might opt for a Love Ball, capturing a favorite fairy-type Pokémon, to honor the color pink and pay homage to Margot Robbie’s Barbie. Alternatively, they may use a Dive Ball to remind their prized water Pokémon of its sea origins, even if it was taken away. It is in these small details that personal expression and customization are brought to life. Yet, let’s face it, there are occasions where exhaustion prevails and trainers end up using whatever Poké Ball is readily available in their inventory. Quick Balls may be effective at swiftly capturing a Pokémon at the beginning of a fight, but some trainers find them visually unattractive. Therefore, throwing a Heavy Ball at a weightless Gastly is a wasteful decision, as that ball would arguably be better suited for capturing a heavier Pokémon. In fact, Poké Balls possess inherent effects that elevate the strategic aspect of the game, while simultaneously providing a means for self-expression.

Shiny hunters invest considerable effort in their pursuit of rare, uniquely colored Pokémon. It is crucial not to undermine their determination and accomplishments in collecting these rare specimens in a game centered around collection. Of course, it is true that certain shiny Pokémon may not possess the same visual appeal as their original counterparts. However, beauty is not the sole criterion in this endeavor. The spirit behind it lies in the principle itself. Hence, it is essential to refrain from belittling these individuals, for they have invested great efforts in obtaining these “ugly” creatures.

The nostalgia surrounding the original 151 Pokémon remains deeply ingrained in the modern Pokémon fandom. This sentiment is reinforced by Game Freak’s continuous spotlighting of these iconic creatures. Criticisms directed at recent additions, such as Scarlet and Violet’s Flamigo, often stem from a perception of simplicity. While it is true that some recent Pokémon designs have been criticized, it is important to remember that even in the early days, Pokémon designs were essentially elemental stylings of existing animals, such as Seel or Charmander. Pushing a genwunner’s buttons by pointing out such aspects is unnecessary. Appreciating these simple creatures and relishing the enjoyment they bring should be the focus. It is best to avoid stirring up unnecessary conflicts.

There are two primary reasons why you should refrain from making a particular remark to a Pokémon fan. Firstly, your statement would be inaccurate. Secondly, the prominence of Generation I nostalgia and The Pokémon Company’s inclination to cater to it have generated some resentment among fans who embrace the subsequent generations. Although Pikachu, as the series mascot, will naturally receive continuous features, additional forms, and substantial appearances in the anime, there is a growing sentiment that Charizard, the iconic fire starter from the first generation, is receiving an excessive amount of attention. Charizard possesses two mega forms, a gigantamax form, and its original card remains highly coveted amongst Pokémon merchandise. However, now that not every Pokémon is included in each game, many feel that other starters from later generations are being deprived of their spotlight. Millennials experienced a collective trauma when Ash nearly perished in Pokémon: The First Movie. The heartfelt scene where Pikachu and other Pokémon shed tears to revive him resonated deeply with us. Thus, it is unnecessary to present a neutral expression reminiscent of Ditto during that particular scene.

The debate over Game Freak’s decision to exclude certain Pokémon from their mainline games has been ongoing for four years. Despite valid criticisms regarding the detachment between players and their beloved pocket monsters, Game Freak remains resolute in their stance. Engaging in this argument is only likely to cause frustration, so it is best to avoid delving into this subject.

Lastly, stating that you are merely attracted to the visual aspects of Pokémon can sometimes lead to contentious discussions. Pokémon Let’s Go, Pikachu and Let’s Go, Eevee introduced innovative ideas, successfully incorporating the theme of friendship between trainers and their titular starters. With a streamlined selection of the original 151 Pokémon, these games managed to exclude the overwhelming number of species found in other mainline games. The games were well-received, characterized by approachability and enjoyable experiences. Nonetheless, due to the controversial design decisions, such as motion controls and Pokémon Go-style catching mechanics, admitting that these games are your favorite might provoke perplexed reactions. Embrace your personal preferences, but be prepared for curiosity and potential debates. Ultimately, there is no need to intentionally provoke conflict.
