Have you ever heard of “ear rumbling?” If not, it’s okay. You’re not alone. Only a small number of the human population is capable of creating noises inside their own ears. In fact, some people are able to do this, and they just don’t know it. So, what is this Continue Reading
Newspaper Deliveryman Becomes A Hero By Bringing Groceries To Elderly Customers
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone’s daily routines, including when people go to the grocery store. People are (or at least should be) staying home and practicing proper “social distancing.” They stock up on groceries and work with what they have at home. However, the pandemic hasn’t been easy for Continue Reading
Crafty Prisoners Created A Makeshift Pool To Escape The Heat
On a hot summer’s day at Turi Social Rehabilitation Centre, a maximum-security prison in Cuenca, Ecuador, prisoners hatched a pretty clever plan to cool off. With rainstorms and flash floods forecast, the forward-thinking inmates blocked off the drains in the large central courtyard used for recreational activities. The heavy rainfall arrived as Continue Reading
You’ll Be Blown Away By This Superdad’s Homemade Diaper Changing Station
Every new parent knows that the second most important piece of baby furniture – after the crib, of course – is the changing table. A newborn can go through more than 10 diapers a day and infants go through at least 6 diapers a day, if not many more. So, Continue Reading
Bus Driver Saves Third Life In Her Career, Earning Her A Superhero Title
Laronda Marshall isn’t your typical bus driver. In fact, she’s probably a bus driver during the day and a superhero at night. Why do we say that? Because she has saved three lives in the eight years she has worked for the Miami-Dade Transit Department of Transportation and Public Works. Continue Reading
Owning A Dog Reduces Risk Of Cardiac Episodes By Nearly One-Third, According To Survey
As if we needed another reason to cuddle our dogs, the American Heart Association has gone ahead and given us one more anyway. According to data gleaned from 300,000 Swedish cardiac patients, researchers found that owning a dog cut the risk of a second cardiac episode by up to one-third. Continue Reading
What is the best foreign currency to invest in at 2018? Higher interest isn’t necessarily always better
Many of you may have heard friends or acquaintances boasting that they’re able to earn better interest returns on their savings by putting it in a foreign currency fixed deposit. This may look appealing as local banks only offer close to 1.2% on their time deposits, and often require savings Continue Reading
5 Great Ways to make money fast
We all dream about the easy money at some moment in our life. Why making money is so hard? Is there any way to make money fast? These are the some of the questions bother everyone when things are not going well in their life. You look for quick money Continue Reading
Everyone wants financial prosperity and control over their financial future. Investing is a way towards accomplishing these goals. Clearly, successful investors did not achieve success within a day. Learning the intricate details of the financial industry and your tendencies as an investor requires patience and time. In this article, you Continue Reading
Every year, Forbes magazine releases its list оf thе riсhеѕt people in thе wоrld. Thiѕ уеаr, Fоrbеѕ ѕеnt a team оf wоrkеrѕ tо саrеfullу analyze thе files оf mоrе thаn 1,000 billiоnаirеѕ. Thiѕ list iѕ a ѕnарѕhоt of thе wоrld’ѕ fivе riсhеѕt реrѕоnѕ current. Bесаuѕе of thе volatility of thе Continue Reading